VIM FOR owners & property developers

Optimize building lifecycle through BIM in Power BI

VIM easily transform your BIM data into valuable insights in Microsoft Power BI, empowering you with a 360-degree view of your building's lifecycle.


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Adopt a data-driven approach to your property development

Accelerate informed decision-making

Generate customized, pre-built building intelligence reports from your BIM models, accelerating decision-making and productivity in a rapidly developing industry.

Analyze and interact in real-time

VIM's powerful WebGL technology provides you with real-time 3D visualizations, enriching your interactive data analysis by offering a dynamic and immersive experience.

Hold contractors accountable

Unlock construction data across your business to drive fundamental change.

Receive complete and accurate BIM

Enable your team to make better informed decisions faster to stay on schedule and budget.

Explore a library of BI reports made for you

Workset Auditor

The Workset Auditor empowers BIM specialists to delve deep into the model's workset structure and verify that categories are correctly assigned to the appropriate worksets. Detect and address any unexpected category placements that may cause inconsistencies.

Mechanical QuickView

Mechanical QuickView delivers a comprehensive overview of the mechanical elements in your Revit model. Get accurate quantity data fast, easily export to Excel, and ensure smooth operation and maintenance with insightful data.

Architectural QuickView

Architectural QuickView offers a thorough, easy-to-understand summary of your Revit model's architectural content. Generate quantities quickly, export to Excel for further analysis, and enhance your project planning and execution.

Sustainability Readiness

Get an accurate snapshot of your project's sustainability potential with comprehensive reports. Empower your commissioning process with crucial LEED, Embodied Energy, and Carbon data.

Structural QuickView

Structural QuickView is your compass for exploring the structural elements of your Revit model. It provides a clear, comprehensive, and accessible breakdown of the model's structural content, making it effortless to understand the underlying skeleton of your building project.

Designed for easy BIM data analysis and collaboration

Free and Sample Reports

Explore a variety of sample reports or generate your own for free.

Collaboration Tools

Upload and share your reports with everyone on many devices.

Custom Power BI Visual

Enhance your visual story telling with VIM's custom 3D visualization plugin.

Library of Templates

Choose insights that matter to you with our every growing library of pre-made Power BI reports.

View Report Library

Customizable Reports

VIM Cloud enables you to easily download, modify, upload, and share customized reports, foster collaboration and personalized data insights throughout your organization.
Merge Data Sources
Customize Analytics
Apply Your Own Brand
Trusted by INDuSTRY-LEADING companies

Experience BIM in Power BI

See how quickly you can go from Revit to interactive Power BI reports with VIM Cloud.