Frequently Asked Questions

You've got questions. We've got answers!

General FAQs

Does VIM offer plans for students?

Yes and No. You can sign up for VIM for free and use it forever with limited features. Unfortunately at the moment, we do not have a student discount program for any of our other packages. Please check back soon as we're always making updates.

VIM Cloud FAQs

What is VIM Cloud?

When you upload VIM files to the Cloud dashboard, they become sharable across your team and available for download to your desktop or other VIM apps.

Is there a file size limit?

Well, we haven't found one yet. The largest project we've processed and loaded is 42gb (450 linked files), and we're still going strong. If you have a project larger than that, give it a shot, and let us know how it works.

How do I upload a VIM file to my Cloud account?

First, you'll need to be logged into your VIM Cloud account. Once logged in you'll be able to create folders and upload files from the user interface.

How do I share a project that's been uploaded to VIM Cloud?

Easy! When you upload your VIM project, you'll find a share link on the VIM for WebGL application and Business Intelligence reports windows. You can find the link in the upper right of the user interface.

How do I download a report from my VIM Cloud account?

Make sure you're logged into to your VIM Cloud Conversion account, locate the file you want to download, select the file, and click the download button.

VIM Enterprise FAQs

How can I get started with VIM Enterprise?

Please contact us to begin your VIM Enterprise trial.

Why isn't the VIM format compressed?

In HTTP server/clientscenarios the web-client (e.g. a browser) will automatically decompress contentthat is compressed (e.g. using gzip) and served with the appropriate contentencoding header. This decompression is optimized and happens in native code,and as a result is faster and simpler than requiring the client code todecompress content.

What is VIM Enterprise?

VIM Enterprise is a Windows desktop application that automates the export process from Revit, ACC, or IFC and transfers the data into an SQL database and into an Azure Blob Storage account so that your BIM data can be queried and visualized in PowerBI.

Support FAQs

How do I reset my password?

If you misplace your password, visit VIM Cloud and click on the "Forgot Password" link.

How do I delete my account?

Please contact our support team to delete your account.

Unlock Your BIM with VIM

Discover with VIM Cloud

Generate pre-built Microsoft Power BI reports from your BIM data with VIM's cutting-edge cloud-based platform.

Pre-built BI Reports
Real-time 3D Viewer
Easy to Use
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Automate with VIM Enterprise

Our tools and services empower you to effectively manage and elevate your BIM data processes and analytics.

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